We got tired of updating our shows list-- but here's an ARCHIVE list of our first 69 shows after Jay Skowronek joined as drummer:
69)Fri May 26, 2000 -- WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY, Middletown, CT
68)Thr Apr. 13, 2000 -- KENDALL CAFE, Cambridge, MA
67)Thr Mar. 23, 2000 -- CBGBs, NYC
66)Sat Mar. 18, 2000 -- THE WEBB INSTITUTE, Somewhere on Long Island, NY
65)Thr Mar. 16, 2000 -- OUTLANDS, Columbus, OH
---(S&M chair. Deranged booking agent:"You won't play anywhere in this country!")
64)Wed Mar. 15, 2000 -- KENT STATE GEAUGA, Burton, OH (presidential suite!)
63)Mon Mar. 13, 2000 -- PONTIAC GRILLE, Philadelphia, PA.
---(the window won't roll up on the van. Then the battery dies.)
61)Sat Mar. 4, 2000 -- The TIMES, Boston, MA
60)Sat Feb. 2, 1999 -- The Flywheel, Easthampton, MA
59)Sun Dec. 19, 1999 -- BRUXELLES: BLANKFEST '99, Nyack, NY
58)Sat Dec. 18, 1999 -- FLYWHEEL, Easthampton, MA
57)Fri Dec. 17, 1999 -- THE ABBEY LOUNGE, Somerville, MA Inman Sq.
56)Wed Dec. 8, 1999 -- SHARKY'S, Nashua, NH
55)Sat Oct. 30, 1999 -- CENTURY, Providence, RI (in costume)
54)Fri Oct. 29, 1999 -- XTREME SPORTS BAR, Durham, NH 10pm-1 am
53)Thr Oct. 28, 1999 -- RYLES, Inman Sq., Cambridge MA
52)Fri Oct. 8, 1999 -- ABBEY LOUNGE Somerville, MA
51)Sat Oct. 2, 1999 -- THE ONE UP, Providence, MA
50)Fri Oct. 1, 1999 -- THE SPIRAL, NYC
49)Wed Sep. 29, 1999 -- SHARKY'S Nashua, NH
48)Sat Sep. 25, 1999 -- HARVARD Div School Outdoor Party
47)Sat Sep. 11, 1999 -- THE PEOPLE"S PINT Greenfield, MA 10 pm - 12:45
46)Friday, July 30, 1999 -- THE ABBEY LOUNGE, Somerville, MA
45)Thursday, July 29, 1999 -- THE BAYSTATE HOTEL, Northampton, MA
44)Thursday, July 15, 1999 -- RYLES, Cambridge, MA
43)Saturday, July 3, 1999 -- THE ACME UNDERGROUND, Manhattan, NY
---(hottest weather ever, sweat running off elbows in constant stream.)
42)Friday, June 11, 1999 -- RHINECLIFF HOTEL, Rhinecliff, NY
41)Monday, June 7, 1999 -- HARBORPARK, Portsmouth, NH (Without Permission!)
---(We show up for gig at Elvis Room the day it shuts down. Find outlet at park.)
40)Saturday, June 5, 1999 -- THE SPIRAL, Manhattan, NY
39)Thursday, June 3, 1999 -- LINWOOD GRILLE, Boston, MA
38)Tuesday, June 1, 1999 -- RYLES, Cambridge, MA
37)Saturday, May 29, 1999 -- HOOKER-DUNHAM THEATRE, Brattleboro, VT
--)Saturday, May 22, 1999 -- THE IRON HORSE, Northampton, MA w/ Sue Burkhart
36)Wednesday, May 19, 1999 -- THE MIDWAY, Jamaica Plain, MA
35)friday, May 14, 1999 -- UNITARIAN CHURCH OF BELMONT, MA
---("it's STILL too loud")
--)May17th WRSI TV "Down the River" Greenfield, MA with Sue Burkhart
34)thursday, may 13, 1999 -- KENDALL CAFE, SOMERVILLE, MA (w/Aron Miller)
33)saturday, may 8, 1999 -- SHARKY'S LOUNGE, NASHUA, NH
32)thursday, may 6, 1999 -- THE BAYSTATE, NORTHAMPTON
31)wednesday, may 5, 1999 -- SHARKY'S LOUNGE, NASHUA, NH
30)sunday, may 2, 1999 -- HARVARD SQUARE FESTIVAL(outdoors)
29)friday, april 30, 1999 -- THE SPIRAL, NYC
28)friday, april 23, 1999 -- THE RATHSKELLER, BRIDGEWATER
27)wednesday, april 14, 1999 -- THE KIRKLAND CAFE
---(The farewell concert. Jay changes mind, comes back.)
26)friday, april 9, 1999 -- THE X-BAR, DURHAM, NH
---(Anand disappears, Jay quits after show)
25)tuesday, march 16, 1999 -- RYLES JAZZ CLUB, S0MERVILLE, MA
24)thursday, march 4, 1999 -- THE ELVIS ROOM, PORTSMOUTH
23)saturday, february 27, 1999 -- THE ARLINGTON HOUSE
---(No, we don't do Karaoke.)
22)friday, february 26, 1999 -- THE X-BAR, DURHAM, NH
21)saturday, february 13, 1999 -- CORNELL COLLEGE, MT. VERNON, IA
---("How's the sound out there? It's alright? Cuz I can't hear a DAMN thing.")
20)friday, february 12, 1999 -- SCOOTER'S, ST. THOMAS U., ST. PAUL
---(not much of a crowd, due to the !!!four day vacation!!!)
19)tuesday, february 9, 1999 -- MACALESTER COLLEGE, ST. PAUL
18)saturday, february 6, 1999 -- THE NEW LOFT, MADISON, WI
---("say something"..."woo.")
17)friday, february 5, 1999 -- BROTHER WILLY'S PUB, ST. JOHN'S COLLEGE,
16)thursday, february 4, 1999 -- STEB'S, CEDAR FALLS, IA
15)friday, january 29, 1999 -- O'SHUCKS, SALT LAKE CITY
14)wednesday, january 27, 1999 -- THE COZY, PARK CITY
13)tuesday, january 26, 1999 -- THE COZY, PARK CITY
12)thursday, january 21, 1999 -- SPANKY'S, SALT LAKE CITY
---("I saw Jimi...at Woodstock...on ACID!")
11)wednesday, january 20, 1999 -- SUNDANCE VOL.PARTY, STEEPS, Park City, UT
---(the amp fell off the stage)
10)friday, january 15, 1999 -- THE LION'S LAIR, DENVER,CO
---("You like-a da football? I LOVE it bay-bee!")
9)saturday, january 9, 1999 -- THE RHINECLIFF HOTEL
8)thursday, december 31, 1998 -- THE ARLINGTON HOUSE
7)tuesday, december 29, 1998 -- THE MIDDLE EAST (upstairs)
6)sunday, december 20, 1998 -- BLANKFEST, NYACK, NY
5)thursday, december 10, 1998 -- THE KIRKLAND CAFE
4)saturday, november 21, 1998 -- THE RATHSKELLER, BRIDGEWATER STATE COLLEGE
3)saturday, november 7, 1998 -- TEEN CENTER, HINSDALE, NH
2)saturday, november 7, 1998 -- "DUKE DAY," WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY
1)monday, october 26, 1998 -- THE MIDDLE EAST UP, Cambridge, MA